SEO шеги


Прочетена: 647 пъти

    Google hates me.
    The only search engine is Google.
    There are a million search engines.
    AdWords are moving to the left of the screen.
    You won't get caught for spam.
    Matt Cutts hates me.
    All SEO wear hats.
    Matt Cutts is leaving for MSN.
    People on SEO forums actually ALL know SEO.
    Hidden text works.
    Black hat SEO and White hat SEO are easily distinguishable.
    SEO guarantees number one ranking.
    SEO is rocket science.
    SEO doesn't take time.
    My competition hates me (това може и да е истина).

За автора:

stefan-image Stefan Chorbanov

Стефан Чорбанов е един от създаделите на Stenik и от 2004 г. до сега управлява компанията и работи по създаването на емблематични онлайн магазини. Прочетете повече за Стефан


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