Two of Stenik's members and founders: Stefan Chorbanov and Nikolay Dimitrov made a little winter tour among the web industry in Germany, attended the event and made presentations in Munich, Nuremberg and Frankfurt.
On January 31st, 2011 Stephen and Nicholay attended the Webmontag in Nuremberg: a regular meeting of local representatives from the web industry. Among the guests were employees from, e-commerce division of Adidas, SAP and drugi. The meeting was followed by networking and exchange of contacts.
The next event - TEDx conference in Offenbach, near Frankfurt. was visited only by Stephen Chorbanov. The theme of the event was "Identity"and how it changes with age. Theme caused a discussion if we actually exist when we are not online, if this was a new, modern way to show yourself and win a place in the society.
Web Webmonday meeting in Munich (07/02/2011) was part of the worldwide Global Ignite Week and all the presentations had to follow the Ignite format: 5 minute presentation, 20 slides that rotate automatically for 15 seconds - no right to err and your mind should flow smoothly and logically.
Stenik's presentation was titled "How to attract new customers with news about our web company?" That topic we discussed on WebXpo 2010.
Уеб срещата Webmonday в Мюнхен (07.02.2011) беше част от световната Global Ignite Week и всички презентации трябваше да следват Ignite формата: презентация за 5 минути, 20 слайда, които се сменят автоматично на 15 секунди – нямаш право на грешка, а мисълта ти трябва да тече плавно и логично. Презентация на Stenik бе със заглавие “How to attract new customers with news about our web company?” Темата засегнахме още на презентацията ни “За 12 месеца от трета глуха до устите на хората” на WebXpo 2010. Ако ви е интересно, можем да ви разказваме още много за уеб бранша в Германия, така задавайте въпросите малко по-долу! Ние продължаваме да работим...
Bravo, uspeh! haresva mi kak ste usetili i opisali mantaliteta na nemcite po otnoshenie na kommunikativnostta i biznes kontaktite...i sravnenieto bg mantalitet...ima oshte kakvo da se u4i za business contactite btw SAP e s4etovodna programa, hey Zuzo,a koga shte se proiavite i vyv Vienna?:) i tuk ima dosta potencial i dostaty4no podobni events...
@Zori Ofner: Очакваме покана :)