Stenik was a sponsor and participant in the Digital4StaraZagora2023 conference
Successful Internship Stories at Stenik, Interview #5 - Ivelina Yordanova: "Know a little about a lot of things, just enough to make you dangerous!
Enhance the way users select and shop with the "Choose" option in your online store's shopping cart
What does the Adobe Commerce Business Practitioner Professional certificate represent, and who at Stenik holds it?
Dimitar Dimitrov told Bloomberg TV: Consumers are becoming increasingly sensitive to promotional campaigns.
UWear.bg and SkyOptic.bg are among the stars of online commerce at the eCommerce Academy Awards 2023.
6 Useful Features for a more successful shopping season. Prepare your Magento online store for Black Friday, Cyber Monday, and Christmas 2023.
Optimize the Return and Exchange Process in Your Online Store. Integration of a Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA) Management System
"Bridging the gap between web and mobile commerce in the most efficient way.” – the presentation delivered by Stefan Chorbanov at the eCommerce Annual Summit 2023
Stenik Joins the Clean-Up Efforts in Bulgaria on World Clean Up Day
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