

Online Shops
Balmina offers a wide range of beekeeping equipment for beekeepers and companies, including high-quality products and services for the successful development of beekeeping activities.
Migration of the B2C online beekeeping store, Balmina - Online Shops, Stenik, Magento

Migration of the B2C online beekeeping store

Balmina has over 30 years of experience in the beekeeping industry and a rich history dating back to 1990 when they started exporting beeswax from Bulgaria. Their passion for beekeeping has enabled them to establish a sales and delivery network spanning more than 10 countries, including Romania, Turkey, Ukraine, Moldova, Uzbekistan, Greece, Serbia, Italy, and others.

Facing various challenges with their current eCommerce platform, Balmina needed a sophisticated e-commerce solution with rich functionality and growth potential. After thorough research, the company chose Stenik as a reliable technological partner in their eCommerce journey to execute the migration of their online store to a high-tech, powerful, and flexible platform – Magento. Stenik worked closely and dynamically with Balmina's team to achieve comprehensive digital transformation and excellent results.

In addition to the migration, several key improvements were implemented:

  • User experience (UX), modern and stylish design aligned with branding and visual identity.
  • A mobile-first approach and incorporation of the latest usability trends for an exceptional user experience across all devices.
  • Database migration from the old online store.
  • Layered navigation with multi-select options for easy and convenient shopping for end-users.
  • Backorder option for ordering products that are currently out of stock.
  • Registration via Google or Facebook accounts.
  • Multiple shipping addresses.
  • Newsletter subscription management.
  • Click & Collect option for ordering online and picking up from the store.
  • GDPR & Cookie Consent compliance.
  • Integration with Link Mobility for automatic customer notifications via SMS/Viber messages for registration, new orders, and order processing.
  • Leasing option for purchasing products with included TBI Bank credit calculator.
  • Integration of courier companies Speedy and Econt into the online store's checkout process with API pricing.
  • Addition of user comments and product ratings.

The online store is now ready to serve all its users, providing them with a fast and convenient shopping process akin to honey and butter.

Migration of the B2C online beekeeping store, Balmina - Online Shops, Stenik, Magento
Migration of the B2C online beekeeping store, Balmina - Online Shops, Stenik, Magento
Migration of the B2C online beekeeping store, Balmina - Online Shops, Stenik, Magento
Migration of the B2C online beekeeping store, Balmina - Online Shops, Stenik, Magento
Migration of the B2C online beekeeping store, Balmina - Online Shops, Stenik, Magento