

Online Shops
Telestar is one of the leaders in the field of television marketing in Bulgaria.
Migration of online store to Magento 2, Telestar - Online Shops, Stenik, Magento

Migration of online store to Magento 2

Telestar is a well-known name among consumers and is among the favorites for teleshopping in our country. 

A few years ago, the company asked Stenik to build a complete ecommerce solution. Then, we based the online store on the Maganto platform, which contributed excellent results and opportunities for growth.

This is how we get to today, when the online presence of the company is not only consolidated and successful, but also ready to move to the next stage of its development - migration to the current version of the Magento platform - Magento 2.

For the migration, the company once again trusted our team, for which we are extremely grateful.

Moving to Magento 2 gave us the opportunity to develop the online store, upgrade existing functionalities and implement completely new ones. 

For example, in the migrated online store we implemented an option to add a club card - GoldStar Club. Club card holders can now take advantage of certain privileges when shopping online, such as discounts in the cart, free shipping or the "club prices" program.

The migration of gives excellent results and guarantees development and growth.

Migration of online store to Magento 2, Telestar - Online Shops, Stenik, Magento
Migration of online store to Magento 2, Telestar - Online Shops, Stenik, Magento
Migration of online store to Magento 2, Telestar - Online Shops, Stenik, Magento
Migration of online store to Magento 2, Telestar - Online Shops, Stenik, Magento