We presented Hristo Stoichkov's online store at the eCA Conference Dream Big


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We presented Hristo Stoichkov's online store at the eCA Conference Dream Big

As is tradition, Stenik participated in this year's eCA Conference Dream Big, organized by our partners at eCommerce Academy.

Official Partner and Speaker at eCA Conference 2022

This year's conference took place under the theme Dream Big. In addition to being an official partner, Stenik participated as a speaker at the event, which once again brought together eCommerce specialists from across the country.

We talked about the journey from a golden ball to a golden logo

On the conference stage held on April 28, Dimitar Dimitrov, Partner @Stenik, presented a case study for the project recently implemented - Online Store 8hristo.com. Most of you probably know that this brand belongs to the legend of Bulgarian football, Hristo Stoichkov. To tell the story of how we implemented the project, Daniel Dimov from 8Agency - the company behind the H8S brand, joined Dimitar on stage.

We shared how H8S chooses Stenik and other interesting facts

During the presentation, we discussed some of the main stages of our collaboration and the main challenges.

Dimitar and Mr. Dimov shared interesting facts, such as the idea for the online store originating from the interest and sale of Hristo Stoichkov's autobiography.

They revealed that the need for flexible solutions, internationalization, and process optimization led the 8 Agency team to choose Stenik. While our projects are characterized by a high level of customization, rich functionality, and complex processes, the challenge here was to build an intuitive and image-oriented store without unnecessary elements and compromises.

Our team's task was to perform a migration of the platform from the old WooCommerce online store to Magento. Several meetings between the two teams and hours of hard work made the task possible. Thus, the online store was successfully launched on 23.02.2022.

Stay tuned for the case study of the project

The event was successful and very interesting. Thanks to the organizers for the invitation, and to Mr. Dimov for joining us on stage. The journey from the golden ball to the golden logo certainly piqued the interest of the attendees.

If you missed the event, stay close to our blog, as very soon we will share a detailed case study of the project and the challenges it posed for us.

If you are interested in migrating your online store or have other questions about its development, feel free to contact us!

About the author:


Maria Kisheva is currently graduating her Master's degree in International Bussines and has plenty of experience in communications and working with clients. She definds herself as positive and ambitious person. At Stenik she continiues to develop and refine her qualities and abilities.


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